Tuesday, December 28, 2010

bluies 26, 27, and 28th of december!!!

December 26th:
Me and Ken went down to Wave Wall in the real humid conditions and tried a climb called Smoked muscles 26 which was fun and ken tried Microwave but the humid conditions stopped him from catching the dyno!!!!
We both lost a lot of skin because it was so slippery so we decided to pull the pin.....
A storm came through just as we were leaving so we walked out in the heavy rain and lightning which got us soaked.......

December 27th:
Me and Ken decided to walk about 4 kilometers  to a crag called Zap Crag where we did some real cool climbs:
Jug Buzz *** 22 (me onsight,ken flash)
Hot Pump Action Baby * 21 (me onsight, ken flash)
We tried:
Pulse ****28 which was awsome!!!
Then we walked back to the road and then hitched back to the train station!!!

December 28h:
We met up with Mitch again and he took us out to a cragg called The Egg, we climbed:
Red Demon ***24 (flash)
I also flashed:
The Deal With Space***24
Kens Fingers were to painfull so he didnt do any more climbing after trying The Deal With Space a few times so he pulled the pin for the rest of the day.
I gave this real cool looking climb a go called:
The Floating Line **** 28
This was awesome because i could actually reach all of the moves haha...
Hopefully i will be able to get this one in the next couple of shots!!!!

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